Our online resources will support the course content for both AS level and A level following Pearson's Edexcel specification.
At AS level students sit two exams both worth 50% of the grade (70 marks each); Social and Cognitive Psychology and Biological Psychology and Learning Theories. At A Level students sit three papers; Foundations in Psychology (35% of the grade, worth 90 marks), Applications of Psychology (35% of the grade, worth 90 marks) and Psychological skills (30% of the grade, worth 80 marks).
Obedience and Prejudice, Individual differences in Obedience/ Prejudice and Developmental Psychology in Obedience/ Prejudice.
Memory, Individual differences in Memory and Developmental Psychology in Memory.
The Central Nervous System and Neurotransmitters, Effect of Recreational Drugs, Structure of the Brain, Role of Evolution and Natural Selection, Biological Explanation of Aggression and Role of Hormones. Also Individual Differences and Developmental Psychology.
Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Social Learning Theory and Acquisition, Maintenance and Treatment of Phobias. Also Individual Differences and Developmental Psychology.
All four topics also include research Methods specific to that area, as well as one compulsory Classic Study and one optional Contemporary Study from a selection of three. Students must also complete a Key Question and Practical Investigation and learn a range of Issues and Debates for each topic.
Diagnosis of Mental Disorders, Classification Systems, Schizophrenia and one other disorder from Anorexia Nervosa, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Unipolar Depression. Explanations and Treatments. Also Individual Differences and Developmental Psychology.
Option 1: Explanations of Crime and Anti-social Behaviour, Understanding the Offender and Offender Analysis and Treatments for Offenders. Factors influencing Eye-witness Testimony and Factors influencing Jury Decision-Making. Also Individual Differences and Developmental Psychology.
Option 2: Attachment, Deprivation and Privation. Research into Day Care, Cross-cultural Research into Attachment Types and Autism. Also Individual Differences and Developmental Psychology.
Option 3: Issues around Drug Taking, Explanations and Treatments of Drug Addiction and One Anti-drug Campaign. Also Individual Differences and Developmental Psychology.
All A-Level topics also include Research Methods specific to that area, as well as one compulsory Classic Study and one optional Contemporary Study from a selection of three. Students must also complete a Key Question and Practical Investigation and learn a range of Issues and Debates for each topic.
All research Methods including Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Methodological Issues, Analysis of Qualitative Data, Conventions of Published Psychological Research and Ethics in Research using Humans and Animals. As well as a Synoptic Review of Studies and Issues and Debates.