Our online resources will support the course content for both AS level and A level following the AQA specification.
At AS level students sit two exams both worth 50% of the grade (72 marks each); Introductory Topics in Psychology and Psychology in Context. At A Level students sit an additional paper; Issues and Options in Psychology (here each paper is worth 33.3% and all are worth 96 marks each).
Conformity, Obedience and Minority Influence.
The Multi-store Model, Working Memory Model, Forgetting and Eyewitness Testimony.
Care-giver Infant Interactions, Animal Studies, Explanations of Attachment, Ainsworth's Strange Situation, Bowlby's Maternal Deprivation, Effects of Institutionalisation and Early Attachment on Adult Relationships.
Definitions of Abnormality, Characteristics of Phobias, Depression and OCD, Behavioural Explanations and Treatments for Phobias, Cognitive Explanations and Treatments for Depression and Biological Explanations and Treatments for OCD.
Origins of Psychology, Learning Approaches, Cognitive Approach, Biological Approach, Psychodynamic Approach and Humanistic Psychology.
The Divisions of the Nervous System, the Structure and Function of Neurons, including Synaptic Transmission, Endocrine System, Fight or Flight Response, Localisation of Function in the Brain and Hemispheric Lateralisation, Plasticity and Functional Recovery, Ways of Studying the Brain and Biological Rhythms.
Experimental Methods, Observational Techniques, Self-reports, Correlations, Content Analysis and Case Studies. Also includes Scientific Processes, Data Handling and Analysis and Inferential Statistics.
Gender and Culture, Free Will and Determinism, Nature-Nurture Debate, Holism and Reductionism, Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches and Ethical Implications.
Students select one option from each section of three:
Option 1: Relationships, Gender or Cognition and Development.
Option 2: Schizophrenia, Eating Behaviour or Stress.
Option 3: Aggression, Forensic Psychology or Addiction.